
fredag 17 februari 2012

Discussione leader- how embarrassing is that

Discussione leader


1: Do you like the book ?


1: Why you don´t like the book?


1: How do you feel?


1: What is the book about ?


1: What have you learn, with the book?

illustrator- how embarrassing is that

I have drawn: Ruby has open house and her mum called her Tiddles. She called her that because she was three years old when she wet her pants and they called her Tiddles. Today she is 13 years old. I have drawn this because I think this is funny and embarrassing.

torsdag 9 februari 2012

Creative connector - how embarrasing is that

Ruby don´t want her parents to come to her school. Because she thinks her parents are embarrassing. She wants to stop them from coming to school on open day so she throws away the invitation. But her parents came anyway and they embarras her in front of her class.

I have the same opinion about how embarrassing parents can be, I don´t want my parents to come to my school. I think it would be embarrassing, because they might say somthing I would be ashamed or they would talk to my friends.

memory - How embarrassing is that


Wordlist - How embarrassing is that

I have three flowers in the stockroom.  - Stockroom

I have embarrasing parents- embarrassing

I have guests to night- guests

 I have a secretly but I have tells my best friend - Tells

I go farward - farward

Suddenly I Scream- Suddenly
I saw a awful flower - awful

I pointed to a TV - pointed

My box is empty - Empty

I have my jacket on my hallway- Hallway


tisdag 7 februari 2012

Labrapport - Koöga

Labrapport - Koöga

Syfte: Syftet med laborationen var att undersöka hur ett koöga är uppbyggt.

Materiel:  Skalpell, Koöga, sax, pincett, bricka och gummihandskar.

Utförande: Vi började med att ta bort hornhinnan, Sen tog ut glaskroppen med linsen och sen klippte vi av sidorna och vände ut och in på ögat.

Resultat: När vi tog bort hornhinnan så kom det en massa vätska med delar av regnbågshinnan och när vi tog ut glaskroppen satt linsen fast i den och runt linsen satt ciliarmusklerna. När vi vände ut och in på ögat så kände vi på blinda fläcken och den var hård.

Slutsats: Ett koöga är i stort sett uppbyggt som ett människoöga förutom en sak och det är tapetum lucidum och det är det som gör att det ser ut som ögonen lyser och finns hos kon till exempel.

No-rapport ljuset bryts!

No-rapport ljuset bryts!

Syfte: att se hur ljusstrålar bryts när man vrider och vänder på glascirkeln så den träffar rakt på och kommer ut där det är böjd och tvärtemot.

Hypotes: jag trodde att lasern skulle gå rakt genom glaset.

Materiel: Spänningskub, Bildskärm, Muffar, optiklampa, Skärm med en spalt, Lins+10, Halvcirkelglas.

Utförande: Vi satte upp uppställningen och vred och vände på figuren och såg vad som hände med strålarna

Resultat: Vi vred och vände på halvcirkeln såg att strålarna bröts olika när man hade den raka och den böjda mot strålen .

Slutsats: när strålen träffar den raka ytan går den med en o° gradig infallsvinkel men går ut med en annan vinkel för att där strålen träffar på det böjda är normalen 90° och det motsatta med en med den böjda mot strålen.

Character- How emberrassing is that

Ruby is 13 years old and she has two best friends Grace and Callum. She has a nickname, Tiddles, which she hates. She thinks she have got embarrasing parents. I think she is nice and a little unsure of herself. Because she not want to her friends came home to her. I think she is nice because she is a good friend. She is really good in her school. I think she is popular in her school. She´s two best friends Callum and Grace go in the same class to her. I Think she  know her want to.

summarizer - How embarrassing is that

Ruby is a girl and she thinks her parents are embarrasing. When it was open house in school she tried to stop them from coming to school but they did it anyway. Her parent told everyone that she had an embarrasing nickname, they called her Tidles. She got it when she wet her pants when she was three years old and today she is thirteen.  Later Ruby`s parents would go into the classroom, she pushed out her parents in a stockroom and locked the door. Then she went into lesson, After a whilde she got to open the door.